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List of Activities/Duty performed

Sl. No. Section / Department Nature of Engagement Duration
1 Computer Centre Reassembled the Param Shreesh Supercomputer to build a new Cluster – SULEKOR-HP HPC.
Manage and administer this cluster. This HPC computing facility is widely used by Professors, research scholars, students comprising mostly of Physical sciences department, which runs programs like Fortran, QE, PSi, Blast etc.
2016 – Present
Provides software and Hardware related services to different Departments & Centres within the Campus 2016 – Present
System Administrator of the New SULEKOR-Dell HPC Cluster which was installed on 2015. This HPC computing facility is widely used by Life sciences department which requires high computing resources and parallel computation like Gaussian, Gromacs software. 2015 – Present
Developed the HPC portal to integrate with the HPC for easy job management by users. http://sulekor.nehu.ac.in/. Accessible via Intranet only. 2015 – Present
Developed and maintain the Computer Centre Website.
2015 – Present
Developed and maintain the Examination Website.
2015 – Present
Conducting Short term courses like Fundamentals of Computers, Web designing, MS office, Photoshop 2012 -Present
Maintain the Computer Labs at the centre, both Linux and Windows 2012 – Present
System Administrator of the Paramshreesh Supercomputer 2012 – 2015
2 Examination Developed and maintain the web portal for markslist management by the UG colleges.
2021 – Present
Was transferred to examination to Analyse, implement and manage the Semester System of UG Examination under new Takshila Software 2015 – 2016
Developed and maintain the PG Examination Extraction Software. Local server only. 2012 – Present
Developed and maintain the PG Examination software for Marksheet management. Local server only. 2012 – Present
3 UMS Implementing, Supervise and Support the PG examination module under UMS ERP software 2017 – Present
4 Helpdesk Provides support to UMS PG Examination helpdesk 2017 – Present
5 Establishment Developed and Maintain the NEHU Non-Teaching Recruitment portal.
2021- Present
6 Academic Staff College As a regular resource person in Orientation programmes for IT and Software applications. 2012 – 2015
7 Workshops As a nodal officer for SPOKEN tutorial project, an initiative of IIT Bombay 2013 – 2015
8 Administration Automate the process of Car pass generation 2021 – Present
9 University Deputy Nodal officer of Samarth Implementation Team 2021 – Present
Nodal officer of Nationtal Academic Depository/Academic Bank of Credits NAD/ABC 2023 – Present