The Computer Centre, North-Eastern Hill University came into existence in May 1987 with the installation of EC-1045.01 Mainframe Computer System. The system was made available to the users in September 1987. With financial grant from UGC, a mini Computer VAX-3100-40 was installed in 1993, which had been used extensively for research related computation and computer education purposes.
In January 2009, The PARAM Sheersh, a High Performance Computer System, created and installed by C-DAC at Computer Centre, NEHU. The Computer system was funded by Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India.
In March 2015, SULEKOR High Performance Computing Clusters was installed by the Computer Centre, NEHU. This High Performance facility was named after a Khasi word for ‘Sule’ means something powerful and ‘kor’ means a machine or thing. Thus the evolution of the word SULEKOR. Since its inception from March till June 2015, there was about 800 successful/Completed jobs processed at this machine. There are many users, mostly research scholars, who have registered from different departments, and the jobs average from 1 to 15 days completion time.
Designation : System Analyst
Contact : 0364-2723754
Email :
See ProfileDesignation : System Analyst
Contact : 0364-2723741
Email :
See ProfileDesignation : Computer Operator
Contact : 0364-2723745
Email :
See ProfileThe Computer Centre also offers hardware and software related services to different Departments & Centres within the Campus and also to the teaching faculty residing in the campus. Hardware checking & diagnosing of Desktop PCs Repairing/Re-installing of Operating Systems Operating System & software Applications upgradation Installation of Specific Software Application Providing Technical expertise.
Various courses are conducted at random sessions whenever there are minimal number of students applied and if there are available staffs for each course.
Courses are of Maximum 45 days duration
The following courses offered:
Short Term Courses offered to all the student community:
C Programming
C++ Programming
Java Programming
Visual Basic Programming
Web Designing
Windows and MS-Office
Hardware and Networking
Short Term Courses specifically for NEHU students:
DATA Analysis using Excel
Data Analysis using SPSS
For NEHU administrative staff:
Windows and MS-Office
Any other training programmes specific to their requirements.